A summer serie’s portrait, published by the French newspaper Le Monde, sheds light on the white tea garden grown by our member Clara Estrela Rego on São Miguel Island, Azores, on behalf of the São Miguel Agrarian Development Service of the Regional Government of the Azores. It draws on the two centuries old history ofContinue reading “The White Teas of Clara Estrela Rego, Azores Islands, in the spotlight”
Monthly Archives: August 2023
Scientific studies document the healthy content of European Specialty Teas
A scientific team, gathered around Professor Elisabetta Damiani, from the Università Politecnica delle Marche, based in Ancona, Italy, has recently conducted two studies, to assess and compare the healthy content of European teas, originated from six different tea gardens grown by EuT members. The two studies were conducted between 2021 and 2022, and focused onContinue reading “Scientific studies document the healthy content of European Specialty Teas”